City of Madera:

December 17, 2019

Public Meeting: Improvement of Lake/4th/Central Avenues Intersection

Options for improving the Lake Street, 4th Street, Central Avenue intersection will be presented at a public meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 16, at the John Wells Youth Center, 701 E. 5th St.

The meeting will be hosted by the City of Madera with a presentation by engineering consultants GHD. It is intended to provide information and receive public input regarding which intersection improvement option is preferred by community members.

This is a complicated intersection and options being considered include a traffic signal or a roundabout. Both options have been identified to have meaningful impact on some properties adjacent to and near the intersection.

During the presentation, GHD will provide an overview of the two options, with configurations based on traffic efficiency, safety, cost and feasibility. A question and answer session will follow the presentation so members of the community can review the intersection improvement options being considered by the City.

Funding for the project would be secured through the City’s budget as well as through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality grant fund.

Residents are encouraged to participate to learn about options and provide feedback to the City and the consultants. For information, contact Randy Bell, City of Madera engineering department, at 559-661-5089 or email