City of Madera:

October 16, 2019

Coordination Committee Meeting for the Madera Subbasin Joint GSP

Please join us for a Coordination Committee meeting to submit comments regarding the Madera Subbasin Joint Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). A summary of the draft of the plan will be presented, with time for Q&A and discussion. Then time will be set aside for those who want to write down their comments, as well as time to present them verbally if desired.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019
6:00-8:30 pm
Madera County Board of Supervisors Chambers
200 West 4th Street
Madera, CA

Spanish translation will be available.
Light refreshments provided.

Click Here for meeting location map.

Additional details will be provided as the meeting date nears.

NOTE: You don’t need to wait until the meeting to provide written comments on the GSP! Please click here to submit comments in advance.

For more information on Madera Subbasin GSAs, visit the Madera Subbasin website here.

To be added to the Madera Subbasin GSP Listserv, please sign up here.