In celebration of Earth Day 2023, the City of Madera is seeking volunteers to join in a tree-planting event on Saturday, April 22, 2023, from 8 a.m. to noon, at Town and Country Park and Rotary Park.
Volunteers will meet up at the playgrounds of Town & Country and Rotary Park at 8 a.m. to kick off the day. This collaborative effort aims to not only enhance the beauty of the parks but also promote a healthy and sustainable environment for the community to enjoy.
“Volunteering for this Earth Day tree-planting event is an excellent way to get involved with the community and make a meaningful impact,” said Joseph Hebert, Director of Parks & Community Services. “We encourage everyone to join in and help create a better Madera for current and future generations.”
Participants will be provided with the necessary tools and equipment to plant the trees, and instructions will be given by event coordinators. No previous experience is necessary, and everyone is welcome to join.
The City of Madera is committed to thoughtfully managing its urban forest, parks, and green space. Trees improve the shared environment, and what better day than Earth Day to seize the moment by bringing the community together to make a lasting positive impact.
To sign up as a volunteer, please visit